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Changing Climate >>> Changes Health

  • 05 Apr 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Grappone Conference Center 70 Constitution Avenue Concord, NH 03301



NHSNA's Annual Conference, Membership Meeting and Vendor Fair

Saturday April 5th  8:00 AM to 4PM

In Person at Grappone Conference Center, 

70 Constitution Ave, Concord, NH 03301

5.25 contact hours
Breakfast and Lunch Included
NHSNA Members: $169
Public: $189

Discount rooms available at the
Fairfield Inn Concord for 159.00 USD per night Last Day to Book : Friday, March 14, 2025

Book your group rate for School Nurse Association Spring Conference

NH weather is often the subject of jokes - 'if you don't like it wait, it'll change.' But many of the changes we have experienced recently are anything but funny. Returning from the garden or a walk these days means carefully checking for ticks and finding them far more frequently than in the past. Temperature has become an important go, no-go factor for outdoor activity. And this past year after gully washing rains, we have found our driveways and even roads washed out: inconvenient, expensive and perhaps scary.

What are these changes and why are they happening? Perhaps more importantly, what can we do now to maintain a livable environment for ourselves, our children and their families?

We have received a large grant to support the continuing education of school nurses.  Available print resources free of charge:

  • Pediatric Dermatology DDX Card Deck
  • Melt Anxiety and Relax Card Deck
  • Stop the Bleed Kits
  • RED Book 2024: Control of Communicable Diseases
  • Special Education and School Nurses
  • Eye Charts and Occluders

At the end of the conference we will hold our Annual Membership Meeting.  Here we will recap the year, and honor our retirees and School Nurse of the Year.

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