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Membership level
- $45.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
Definition of School Nurse for the purpose of determining membership in the New Hampshire School Nurses' Association is a registered professional nurse, working in a learning environment such as a preschool or child care center, K-12 public or private school and postgraduate schools of learning.
Active Members shall be currently licensed registered nurses currently engaged in the practice of School Nursing.
Allied Health
- $30.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
Allied Health Members shall be licensed professionals supporting school health not meeting the qualifications of other membership categories. Such members may not hold office or vote.
Examples would be an LPN, LNA or EMT, working under a school nurse.
Friends of School Nurses
- $22.50 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
Friends of school nurses shall be other interested community stakeholders and collaborating professionals who do not qualify for the “Active” or “Allied” membership categories. Such members may participate in all discussions, but may not vote nor hold office.
- $45.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Unlimited
Retired members shall be any school nurse who is no longer active in the practice of school nursing. Such members may vote, participate in discussions and are eligible to hold office.
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