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10/7/2021  School nurses: COVID-19 testing key to keeping kids in class   Keene Sentinel

1/02/2021  School Nurses Among Frontline Workers

10/20/2020  School Nurses help with contact tracing.  NPR  Sarah Gibson

NH School Nurses Association on CNN.  #MaskUpNH

NH DPHS Response to updated CDC guidelines   WMUR  August 27th

Testimony to the Legislative Advisory Board to the GOFERR Committee  WMUR

Some NH school districts install shields for desks, teachers amid COVID-19 concerns     WMUR  August 17th

Close UP: School Nurses prep for return to the classroom    WMUR  August 15th

Health officials tell school nurses even minor symptoms could be sign of COVID-19   WMUR  August 14th

School nurses ask about masks, ventilation  WMUR  August 4th

Our Turn: School reopening uncertainty: Flexibility is not an excuse  (opinion column) (school nurses mentioned)
By ANDRU VOLINSKY and AMANDA RUSSELL     For the Concord Monitor    
Published: 7/31/2020 6:20:14 AM

Lawmakers hear school opening concerns about funding and safety     July 29th  The Berlin Sun  Garry Rayno of

NH school nurses say reopening guidance should be stronger   July 21st  WMUR  Tim Callery

Statewide campaign launches to encourage Granite Staters to wear masks  July 20th  WMUR Ray Brewer

Governor anticipates increase in demand on PPE, testing, contact tracing when schools reopen    July 21st  WMUR

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