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who oversees the nurses in your district?

Survey opened:  2/18/2025

Who oversees the nurses in your district?    Survey will remain open if you have not answered yet.

Results as of 2/28/2025

69 Nurses Responded
57 Districts Represented  (duplicate entries from same district edited out)


  • 1 Private School
  • 1 Charter
  • 57 Public Districts
Results per Demographic:
  • Private School has one nurse, no supervisor
  • Charter school has one nurse, no supervisor

57 Public School Districts

21: No supervisor

# of nurses in their district:

  • 1.5
  • 1 (6)
  • 2 (3)
  • 3 (4)
  • 4 (4)
  • 5 (2)
  • 6

They meet with their supervisor:  N/A

           If they don't meet with a supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?

  • 1x a year
  • 1-2x each year
  • Once a month or as needed (2)
  • 3x a year (3)
  • 4x a year (2)
  • Other (no answer)  (3)
  • We have not met as a nursing group this school year (4)
  • i am the only nurse in my SAU (3)
  • Several times a year
  • I meet with nearby district nurses whenever able, so far once this school year as our PD days do not line up


  • I cover 4 schools

  • NH needs a state level school nurse liaison.

  • I strongly believe every district should have a designated school nurse leader at the admin level.

  • It is difficult to get everyone together due to the start end times differ between middle/high and elementary. everyone has some pretty challenging case loads. We do have a group chat in google that we communicate frequently through.

  • We have good access to each other by phone & email.

  • district nurses meet only for pd days

  • We are a group of three nurses. One acts as a head nurse and schedules meetings, makes agendas and schedules classes (CPR/First Aid) for staff but she has never been given that title.

  • Our principal supervises the nurses, she reports to the superintendent if we have major concerns.

  • My principal is my supervisor.

6  Assistant Superintendent 

# of nurses in their district:

  • 1 (2)

  • 6
  • 7
  • 12 (2)

They meet with their supervisor:

  • 4x a year (2)
  • We have not met as a nursing group with this supervisor this school year (2)
  • Once Month (2)

If they don't meet with a supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?

  • 1x Month
  • no answer (5)


  • meetings are over google chat(previously zoom) leadership of meeting has created an unfriendly/unproductive environment

4:  Director of Student Services

# of nurses in the district

  • 7

  • 8

  • 3.6

  • 14

They meet with their supervisor:

    • Once Month
    • 1x a year
    • We have not met as a nursing group this school year
    • 3x a year

If they don't meet with a supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?

  • Once Month

  • We try to meet every other month

  • We have not met as a nursing group this school year

  • no answer


  • We have monthly scheduled nursing department meetings but our supervisor often does not attend these meetings due to schedule conflicts.
  • The Executive Director of Student Services oversees nursing in our district. The nurses felt we lacked support last year in a staffing shortage at the district’s elementary school. It seems there is lack of understanding what is involved with licensure while being on the teacher contract.

9:  Head Nurse

# of nurses in District

  • 3 (3)

  • 6

  • 8

  • 10

  • 11(19

  • 23

They meet with their supervisor:

  • Once Month (5)
  • 4x a year (2)
  • 3x a year (1)
  • Due to distance and SAU,  the location for return to school group meetings, meetings are done via phone and email as needed. Monthly reports are faxed to the head nurse.

If they don't meet with a supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?

  • We have not met as a nursing group this school year  (1)

  • no answer (8)


  • School Health Coordinator  (Head Nurse) is not treated with the respect other Administrators are outside of pandemic duties.
  • Our Nurses report directly to their School Principals. Our Head Nurse is our Nurse Leader in the District.

9:  Special Education / Services Director

# of nurses in the district

  • 2
  • 4 (4)
  • 7 (2)
  • 8
  • 10

They meet with their supervisor:

  • 1x Month (2)
  • 3x Year
  • 4x Year
  • We have not met as a nursing group with  this supervisor this school year (4)
  • not answered

           If they don't meet with a supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?

      • 1x a year

      • 1x Month

      • 3x Year

      • 4x Year

      • with lead nurse 10x / year

      • no answer (4)


      • The director does not have any medical training.
      • no answer (8)

      4: Superintendent

      # of nurses in the district

      • 1
      • 3 (2)
      • 6
      They meet with their supervisor:
      • 4x a year 
      • As needed
      • We have not met as a nursing group this school year
      • 1x Year
                  If they don't meet with their supervisor, how often do the nurses meet with each other?
            • 1x Year

            • 4 x Year 

            • I am the only nurse in the district

            • Every other month


            • We have 4 school districts within our SAU with different schedules so often only meet once as a whole group on the first in-service day and then maybe once for a social dinner throughout the year.

            • I work under the superintendent as I am no longer on the teacher contracts but I work real close with my principal and assistant principal.

            2:  Building Principal

            • 2 nurses in district; building principals of two schools;  they meet 3x times a year
              The same two nurses meet on their own 4x year 
            • As needed

            1:  HR contact is our person who checks in with us and is our liaison to superintendent

            • # of nurses in the district:  8
            • They meet with their supervisor:  we used to meet monthly with HR liaison but have not this year but we check in monthly    

            1:  Nurse Practitioner

            • 10 nurses in the district
            • They meet once a month

              Do you have a medical director?

              Opened Date: 2/11/2025

              Do you have a medical director?

              One simple question, please answer here (its not too late to add your data, results will be updated monthly 

              Results as of 2/18/2025

              75 Nurses Responded

              60 Separate Districts represented)

              Of those 60:

              • 52 Public Schools
              • 5   Private Schools
              • 1   Boarding School
              • 2   Charter Schools

              Breakdown by School Type:

              Public: 52 Schools

              •    9 Have a Medical Director
              •  43 Do not have a Medical Director

              We have a director AND...

              • we do not meet with him/her
              • Just found this out yesterday 
              • He or she is available for phone calls and writes standing orders
              • She is an APRN that writes our standing orders and offers physicals for students if needed paid for by the school  
              • (5) He or she is available for phone calls
              • meet with him/her regularly
              • we do not meet with him/her
              • He or she reviews all health policies

              Private Schools:  5 total

              • 2 Have a Medical Director
              • 3 Do not have a Medical Director

              Boarding School: 1

              This boarding school has their Medical Director on site Monday - Friday

              Charter Schools: 

               2 Charter Schools do not have a Medical Director

              Are you currently a member of the National Association of School Nurses? (NASN)

              Opened on February 4th:

               Are you currently a member of the National Association of School Nurses?  (NASN)

              Every Nurse counts, please answer yes or no.  This will be an Anonymous survey.  AND  will remain open if you have not answered it yet


              Results:  Are you a current member of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN)?

              34 Responses:  26 YES    8 NO

              Of the 8 that answered no,  Plus comments section:

              • 4 answered "it's too expensive" ($125 / year)
              • 1:  I don't need their resources
              • 1:  Have had access to resources through a colleague.
              • 1:  I think it is helpful to be a member of both local and national- so many great resources in both
              • 1:  I am a Lifetime member of NASN. Have been retired since 1994.
              • 1:  I am not, but the School Nurse Manager is.
              • 1:  I feel I get all I need from the NHSNA. Thanks

              Editor's note:  NHSNA will be taking a vote in April whether or not we should unify with NASN,  this means that you must be a member of NASN to be a member of NHSNA.  NASN would collect all dues and forward it to us.  It is really important that we get a number of nurses who currently belong to NASN vs. those that don't for various reasons.  The survey will remain open if you have not answered it yet..  

              Do you have a dental program?

              Opened Date:  January 28th, 2024

              We left the question of Dental Programs open for one more week and increased responses from 22 to 91!   Thank you for being a data champ! We have used this data to identify regions most in need and not surprisingly, the North Country is less likely to have a program.  As promised, we have de-identified the data. 

              Results of "Do you have a dental program?"

              • Great answer rate of 91 Schools!
              • 74 Schools do not have a program
              • 17 schools did have a program.

              Download Comments

              Asthma Survey

              66 Nurses Responded
              April 2023

              Question: How serious of a problem is asthma in your school(s)?
              28 - Not at all Serious
              38 - Somewhat Serious

              Question:  Are you currently providing any form of asthma education to students with asthma?
              23 - No
              43 - Yes

              Question:  Which of the following would be most helpful to you?
              27-  A 15 minute recorded presentation for training teachers about asthma signs and symptoms, triggers and inhaler use
              11 -  A webinar series for school nurses on asthma management by an asthma expert with the opportunity to ask questions
              21 -  For the NH Asthma Control Program to provide asthma education materials that can be sent home to students and families
              3 -  In-person asthma education for groups of students delivered by an external asthma educator
              4 -  I am not currently in need of asthma resources or educational materials

              National Certification School Nurse (NCSN)

              63 Nurses Responded
              October 2022

              More information on becoming a Nationally Certified School Nurse

              Question: What is your current status with the NCSN?

              20 nurses already have the certification
              3 nurses are currently studying for the exam
              40 nurses are seriously thinking about it

              Question: Would you be interested in joining a study group, either as a mentor or to study for your exam?

              34 responded NO
              29 Responded YES

              SNAP, OPT-IN FORMS

              57 Nurses Responded to:

              1.  HB1244   Relative to parental consent to medical and dental treatments of children in schools.

              This bill was passed last legislative season. Some school districts have interpreted this to mean that OPT-IN permission was needed for all screenings and treatments provided by the school nurse.

              There is a legislative committee formed to look at this issue in relation to Vision Screenings. We need copies of forms that you are currently using in your district in relation to any OPT-INs for your services.  

              2.  Do you use SNAP, if not, what program do you use?

              VIEW RESULTS HERE

              Nurse Substitute Pay June 2023

              76 School Districts Responded; Only one stated they didn't have trouble finding subs...


              COVID School Closure Practices

              58 Nurses Answered the Survey for this week:  Survey closed April 2, 2020

              Do you have a NURSE Supervisor?

                • Director of Student Services is my supervisor - 1
                • My principal is my only supervisor - 37
                • No, I have a non-nurse supervisor 16
                • Yes, I have a nurse supervisor - 3
                • Principal is my direct supervisor, and she answers and refers me to the Student Services Director – 1

              Are you working from home?

                • Yes – 51
                • No -1
                • I go in to make calls and deliver meals. Meal delivery happens on Mondays and Wednesdays, so the other days I work from home.
                • No, my district requires me to go in.; I check in daily at the school and check temps of janitor staff
                • part home part school
                • Yes and also office hours for 3 hours a week
                • Yes; I am going to be going to my office occasionally. I am not required to stay home but encouraged to.Yes; Only a Couple hours per day
                • Yes; trying poor internet

              Is your district requiring a set number of hours?

                • No – 25
                • Yes – 33

              Are you calling students and families for check-ins?

                • Yes - 41
                • No -16
                • Yes and No -1

              Are you catching up with paperwork, such as entering immunizations, IEP or 504 paperwork?

                • No – 10
                • Yes – 42
                • Did not bring home paperwork due to privacy concerns, but will work on Medical 504's for next year that I have electronically stored. Also taking CEU webinars.
                • I am limited to what I have available on my laptop. I do have access to SNAP, PowerSchool and my saved “bookmarks”
                • I do not have paper charts at home. Just access to snap via laptop. Will participate in 504s

              Are you participating in any video conferencing with students?

                • No – 32
                • Yes, I have classes to teach – 3
                • Yes, I join some classrooms – 13
                • 504/IEP mtgs
                • Emailing needier students and students referred by teachers. Offering video conferencing to those students who reply.
                • I have a google classroom

              Are you participating with any food initiatives?

                • No, its happening, but I don't participate – 39
                • Yes, I help in the distribution -12
                • Assisted Day 1, set up a "thermometer station" for the food service staff
                • Assisting families with placing orders
                • consultation
                • Handle by school PR person one nusre had hand slapped for calling families she thought might need delivery
                • Have offered to distribute as needed
                • Have offered to help distribute as needed
                • i connect with families-above question doesn't make sense

              Do you participate on a team to manage the COVID crisis within your school or district?
              • No – 24
              • Yes – 34

              What other things are you doing from home to support your students / school?

                • Emailing parents, offering meetings through Zoom, posting on Twitter. Working on all the paperwork I never have time for, getting ready for next year with new registrants-emailing for missing records, entering immunizations/conditions. Running a GOTR google classroom as I am a coach and our season was cancelled- recording "daily movements" we created, posting questions, responding to girls.
                • Reaching out to students who are not engaging remotely or drop off the radar in certain classes.
                • Joining Zoom class meetings,updating SNAP(just got it at our school) we have been given permission to volunteer at hospital or where needed as nurses during our work day,logging sickness,connecting with at risk students/parents,having video chats with our 9 district nurses which is awesome we don't usually have time to collaborate,
                • Our school district donated most of our PPE supplies to our local hospital to support our medical community.
                • Staying up-to-date with NHDHHS and CDC. Google Chat and Meet with district nurses, professional development, offering COVID-19 updates on district website and through school principal communications
                • My district has not involved any of its 10 nurses to participate. We have had very little communication from our "supervisor". We are all doing our own thing.
                • As nurses, we never get time to collaborate district wide. To that end, we are using this time to collaborate. We have created a general location to electronically store shared files that include templates for health plans, training tools, and SNAP and Powerschool tips, tricks and shortcuts. We are also reviewing all of the student handbooks from each school and editing them to have common language. We are also reviewing policies and guidelines, as well as adding new guidelines so that we are uniform in our practice across district. We are going to do a group book study, and have reached out to one of our Behavioral Specialist for book ideas with a focus in social and emotional health. The nurses communicate daily via Teams and meet weekly over Zoom. Regarding COVID19, we are available to our administration to answer any questions and to help as needed in whatever capacity. I listen in on the DHHS weekly updates and send notes to my Administrator and Superintendent. And finally, I have used this time to go through my office and purge old files and reorganize.
                • emailing parents of students with significant medical needs
                • Working on many school projects that I haven't had time to finish!
                • Checking in regarding illness of students/staff, continuing ed, submitting documentation for medicaid billing.
                • Weekly video conference with school staff & principal. Monitoring absences/illnesses of students & staff. Log sheet of symptoms for administration. Follow up (email) of families with ill students. Record keeping student interactions in electronic health record. Maintain updated news information on Covid 19 outbreak & effect on community, state, national & worldwide levels.
                • blog for parents, staff and students with updates on COVID-19 info, resources and resources for remote learning activities
                • we do not have a specific ""team"" for managing COVID in our school or district. I collaborate with district nurses, occasionally, when asked provide information to senior SAU administration."
                • would like to send notes, make more calls, review attendance and note reason not able to participate in remote learning. I have signed up for webinars and CEU"S My internet and my lacking computer skill are holding me back.Would love to work on IHP but program expired last month and nothing else was put in place by SAU,a huge lack of understanding about IHP.
                • Contacting parents that didn't sign up for our free/reduced lunch program. Giving out snack packs to working parents that can't come at the mid daytime
                • Going to create on-line or remote staff training; Reviewing policies; Developing care plans
                • Weekly posted YouTube videos presenting different health topics and ways to improve physical, mental/emotional wellness.
                • checking in daily with anxious students via email. Monitoring absences and calling families of children who are not participating in remote learning,
                • i am doing yoga and mindfulness activities via video placed on a wellness page as part of a google drive for the specialists(art,Stem,music)
                • Providing information about COVID-19, debunking myths, supporting teachers in any way I can
                • twice weekly virtual staff meetings, developed 4 work groups, pushing out PD opportunities.Live rurally internet unreliable web to school not functioning, Hughes net no help at all. No direction from SAU. School nurse less 1year
                • Family check ins per Principal and mental health team as neededWe have a google classroom where we share tips and advice to stay healthy, fun videos and uplifting messages. We offer support for students and families and we also Ofer private zoom chat and answer emails and participate remotely in staff meetings. I have also been catching up on my PD hours.
                • CEUs, reading books related to nursing practice, going in occasionally to inventory PPE to donate to local community partners, might go in to put in immunizations (so I am ready for next year, but it is not required that I go in on a regular basis at this point). I am updating our health office website with the more reliable up-to-date covid-19 information from the CDC and NH DHHS with their website links. I am also sending out emails to staff about personal wellness and health challenges provided by health trust.
                • Available for questions and as a resource
                • Sending weekly emails to families and teachers. My email is accessible to all families and I have encouraged them to reach out to me
                • Professional Development
                • Wellness Meetings with staff"
                • "I do more emailing than phone calls. I spend much of my day on attendance issues and TRY to catch up on paperwork when time allows. LOTS of online learning - both nursing and IT My district expects me to work my contracted hours. "
                • Zoom meetings with counselor/support team regarding students. Weekly or more meetings with other district nurses/principal to check in. Being available to staff to answer any questions, reach students that they can't, etc.
                • addressing parent and staff concerns. compiling data and reports. video conferencing
                • addressing parent and staff concerns. compiling data and reports. video conferencing
                • Participating in staff and team meetings. Following COVID-19 updates. Updating procedures. Professional development through webinars and reading health related books.
                • I stay in touch with my principal to advise on the situation. I am an hourly employee so I am getting minimal pay during this time.
                • Monitor attendance (daily) and track illness trends, including following-up with families when students are not participating. Health promotion through relevant (science-based) facebook posts to school community. Weekly on-line meeting with other nurses in District. Weekly DHHS (Public Health) conf calls; daily updates/briefings from DHHS, CDC & WHO.
                • Updating district nursing/medical policies, DHHS groups call ins, webinars, updating all the things we can never get to, meeting via Zoom with all district nurses at least once per week, reaching out to families for med pick ups/deliveries; updating IHP's/EPlans; book club with district nurses using Mental Health/Trauma based learning books; collaborating on making all practice protocols in district uniform b/w schools; working health information for 8th grade end of year trip until such time it is cancelled; attending ZOOM academic classes to touch base/check in with students; updating Nurse website with every changing information and useful links for families; awaiting at home SNAP access; updating community resource files, new tasks as they come up daily, resourcing information to administration as needed
                • Sending tons of emails to staff, parents, students. With educational information on Covid 19, staying well, nutrition, exercise. Checking in on staff and famiy with illness and asking about their needs. Lots of time with emails!
                • "Working on CEU's that may be pertinent. Collaborating with guidance, social worker, and school principal about students we may be concerned about.  Working directly with my principal as health issues arise. "
                • "Tracking student and staff illness with the assistance of the building secretaries.Part of the Central Office/Administration COVID19 Team along with the other four District Nurses.  Point of contact for staff on any health issues/questions.  Daily check-in/meetings in Google Meet with District Nurses"
                • on line update for role of free and reduced lunch coordinator
                • "Coordinating church and hospital with much needed mask making. Online workshops related to Covid-19, and other topics.  Administrative and emergency preparedness meetings via Zoom."
                • i attend regular meetings with admin, guidance and district nurses to ensure info is circulating

              Fall Dinner Survey: June 2019

              Have you ever attended a Fall Dinner Meeting? Preferred Choice
              County # nurses responding YES NO Breakfast Dinner
              Belknap 14 7 7 5 9
              Carroll 7 1 6 2 5
              Cheshire 10 4 6 2 8
              Coos 3 0 3 3 0
              Grafton 9 2 7 5 4
              Hillsborough 27 16 11 7 20
              Merrimack 27 11 16 12 15
              Rockingham 24 8 16 11 13
              Stafford 7 3 4 3 4
              Sullivan 6 2 4 2 4
              Totals: 134 54 80 52 82

              COMMENTS - Response from NHSNA in Red

              Either could possible work for me. I really enjoyed hearing Judge Broderick speak at the Fratellos dinner last fall.

              How about Manchester area meeting, more centrally located for participants?  We were at Fratello's  in Manchester last year, and the Puritan in Manchester the year before,  we are trying to rotate where we hold our conferences.

              Either would work fine for me

              I can never plan ahead because always depends on kids sports schedules.

              It would be great if meeting could come further north every once in a while.  We agree, and have been rotating sites across the state.  April 2018 was in the Laconia area, and April 2019 was in the south in Windham. April of 2021 We will be hosting the New England Conference in Portsmouth. 

              I would actually prefer a weekday meeting and having it until 9 is late. Are there any CEUs offered?  There will be one contact hour.

              Would this breakfast meeting coincide with the Basics workshop?  No, it will not.

              Be great to move it north!

              I often do not get out of work until 5 p.m. and to travel to Concord means I would be extremely late. Saturdays do not work for me. Any way to centralize the meeting place?

              A Saturday evening would be better, it is hard traveling after a full day of work and saturday mornings usually involve sports activities.

              I would prefer the Manchester or Nashua area.

              Attendance would soar if you move it to Manchester. Most of the population is in Southern NH. No Saturdays please, we need to sleep in!

              I have school on Saturday a.m. in Manchester

              Would love to be there ! But a dinner price of $45 or more is too high. I think many nurses want to come to the meetings but wish it did not cost money.

              during the school day would be best

              I try to limit evening meetings in order to have dinner with my family. For that reason, I am more likely to attend a Saturday morning session.

              During School hours would work best so we could use PD days for the activity

              Maybe finding a more centralized location in future to help with the northern part of the state.

              It takes me almost 2 hours to get to Concord. I wouldn't mind a dinner meeting but 5pm is too early. We don't get out of school until 3:30 so I can never make ti by 5.

              I have a family wedding that weekend but otherwise would have preferred a breakfast meeting

              It would be great if there was another location besides the Concord area, preferably, the Seacoast area.

              Friday evenings are difficult as it is the end of the week and one just wants to go home after work Friday. Saturday brunch is more appealing, but Concord is a long way to travel so I would hesitate to participate in either of the proposed dates.

              Concord area is typically too far of a drive for me from Hampton Falls

              I will be in New York that weekend. There will be much traffic traveling to Concord on a Friday @ 5 pm on 93 north.

              I am not a "member" of this organization and do not see myself joining.

              closer to seacoast would be great

              Unfortunately I will be away this weekend.


              Sunscreen and bug spray June 2019

              30 NURSES RESPONDED
                YES NO  
              Is the nurse allowed to administer Sunscreen? 19 11  
              Is the nurse allowed to administer bug spray? 16 14  
              Are teachers allowed to administer sunscreen? 17 13  
              Are your teachers allowed to administer bug spray? 14 16  

              Does your district have either listed in their stock medication list?


              5 24 1 not sure

              I have sunscreen and bug spray on my OTC list (no aerosols, k-8 school) but I encourage parents to apply before school or field trips. No written policy. I send a small supply with teachers and coaches on field trips and sports practices/games if needed.


              Frequent application of CALAGEL to itchy mosquito bites with a band aid to keep the gel from rubbing off onto clothing.


              Only with written parent permission.


              Sunscreen is listed on our health form as an otc that parents can give consent for administration. Nurse and teachers can only give if parental consent is on file.


              In our district, there is no policy on these products, but I would not apply either of them to a student without written parental permission.


              We do not supply bug spray or sunscreen. If needed students would need to supply


              We do not stock bug spray or sunscreen on a normal basis. So neither the RN or staff administer it.


              We are allowed to apply sunscreen and/or bugspray that is supplied from home accompanied with a parent note. We do not supply or apply these products as routine.


              No policies or procedures for this at my elementary school; and no district policy.


              This is specific to Walpole Schools. Principal allows teachers and nurses to apply either as long as we have written parent permission. Parents are also encouraged to send in bug spray or sunscreen for their child


              At the elementary Leve (PreK) - 2nd grade - I require permission to apply either.


              Parents must supply sunscreen or bug spray from home and include a note with permission for them to be applied. No stock of either, students can't share own supply.


              We do have a permission form for bug spray that goes home. I plan to add sunscreen to stock medication with permission for next year.


              There is no policy for either. Sunscreen requires written permission from parent and they must provide their own. I'm dodging the bug spray question until administration writes or demands I write a policy.


              parents must provide and complete parent permission form


              We've never asked about permission for sunscreen or bug spray at the middle school level, but for sure sunscreen is available at times by individual teachers. In 12 years I've not heard a parent complaint about this. I'm considering adding the sunscreen to stock medication list.


              we actually don't have any rules around bug spray and sunscreen. i have never been asked to apply bug spray to a student. as for sunscreen we do allow students to self apply but that has only been on a case by case basis. we encourage parents to apply both in the morning before school


              for field days or extended outside time, parents are encouraged to apply before school. If on those special days a parent requests it applied it school, it must be sent in with a parent note and clearly labelled with student's name. . It is request that no aerosols sent, Instead bug repellant wipes and sunscreen lotion (not spray)


              I wish we could apply sunscreen for field day


              We have no rules/policies for or against the administration of sunscreen or bugspray.


              With parent written permission are we allowed to administer child's lotion or bug spray for field trips


              Notices are sent home electronically and hard copies asking parents to apply bug spray and/or sunscreen before school. Parents may also provide a private supply for their child to keep in the nurse's office with written permission for the nurse to apply before recess, etc.


              parents are encouraged to apply before field trips and extended outdoor activities


              I keep "lotion" type sunscreen in the office and give it to the student to self apply if needed. No sunscreen or bug "sprays" are allowed at school, only lotions, due to allergy & asthma concerns.This is communicated to parents in our handbook and bi-weekly newsletters as appropriate. We encourage parents to apply both sunscreen and bug repellent at home before school, esp. if there is an outdoor field trip. We do not have a "policy" per se about this.

              narcan and condoms in high schools - may 2019

              County # of schools responding Does your school provide condoms? Does your school stock Narcan for Emergency Use?
              Belknap 4 4-No 1-yes; 3-No
              Carroll 3 3-No 3-Yes
              Cheshire 1 No Yes
              Coos 2 2-No 1- Yes; 1-No
              Grafton 3 2-No; 1-Yes 2-Yes; 1-No
              Hillsborough 9 9-No 5-Yes, 4-No
              Merrimack 6 2- Yes; 4-No 4-Yes; 2-No
              Rockingham 10 10-No 6-Yes; 4-No
              Strafford 4 4-No 4-No
              Sullivan 2 1-Yes; 1-No 1-Yes; 1-No

              44 Schools responded

              Does your school provide Condoms? Yes: 4    NO: 40

              Does you school stock Narcan?   YES: 24    NO:  20


              1.  would love to hear from those who are stocking condoms how the process of approval went in their district.

              2.   I believe we should give out condoms (if we had more $ in our decreasing budget). We have not revisited the topic with our school board though in several years.

              3.  Although we have presented to our school board the need for both condoms and Narcan in our high school they have been unwilling to approve it.

              4. The SChool does not give outcondoms,  but I have a supply if needed

              5.  Important infection control for STDs in teens and documented not to increase sexual activity just make it safer and of course Narcan is important rescue medicine for an overdose-catch up with the times please!

              6.  We do not have a policy for either. We hope we can get the approval needed to have Narcan in our office.

              7.  Narcan is in the health office only because nurse attended training. There is no writtenpolicy for it yet.

              8.  School board does not allow distribution of condoms

              9.  Working on Narcan for emergency use, would like to carry condoms for occasional request by students who want to practice safe sex.

              10.  Narcan is Stocked but no policy to be able to administer

              11.  we don't advertise the Narcan, but i do have 2 units in my office

              12.   I think we should be able to have condoms available for Juniors and Seniors

              13.  We established a policy and now carry Narcan this year. I would like to have condoms available without advertisement for the HS population.

              14.  Our students are in an area where there are other resources for condoms, and our fire station/EMS is across street from our High School. If we did not have the close proximity, i'm sure there would be more discussion in this community about availability, particularly of Narcan.

              15.  We started carrying Narcan this year. We have 2 doses for student use if needed.

              Medical Directors

              MEDICAL DIRECTOR SURVEY 5/24/2018

              We received information from 41 School Districts
              9 of them had a Medical Director
              32 of them did not.

              Is the director paid or volunteer?
              4 Paid
              3 Didn't Know
              2 Volunteer

              Does the medical director write standing orders?
              7 yes
              2 No

              Do they perform physicals?
              1 Yes, for the general Population
              1 Yes, for sports only
              7 No

              Is there another role they fill?

              • Advice and meet with district nurses once per year. Writes orders for epi pens, and reviews district policies.
              • Reviews and updates district health manual
              • There is an MD with whom we can consult when there are medical concerns or questions. He is not a director per se.
              • Serve as a resource for school nurses
              • Allow for purchase of medications, vaccines etc.
              • can contact with any questions. also offer some professional development
              • Doctor of Pediactrics in Concord NH
              • Medical and Concussion consultant
              • we do not have one
              • pediatrician for Core Pediatrics in Exeter


              • Our director is leaving the area. Our district has not yet sought a replacement.
              • we have 2 pediatric docs that we go to for orders for epi, stock inhaler, etc but they are not officially our medical directors
              • Wish we had one
              • We are a private boarding school with a licensed health center.
              • I have been trying to get one for about 7-8 years
              • Medical director is retiring at end of this school year and HR does not have plans at this time on who /when replacement will be transitioning
              • We have general medical directives for our schools written and signed by a local physician at no charge and with no oversight by Dr. Deborah Hansen.
              • I wish we did.....

              What Computer Program Do You Use for Health Records?


              Survey of Electronic Health Records used for nursing documentation.

              111 nurses responded:  4 nurses do not have their records computerized

              Rating Scale used: 1 is the best, 4 is the worst

              • 1.      I love it and would highly recommend it.
              • 2.      I have learned to like it and slightly recommend it
              • 3.      There must be something better out there, but I've made it work for me.
              • 4.      I do not recommend it at all.

              # of nurses


              Average rating

              Yes User Friendly

              NO not user Friendly

















              Infinite Campus






              Not rated, uses for boarding students only









              Power School














              What do you wear to work? week ending 2-09-18

              Week ending 2/09/2018   What do you wear to work?
              114 Nurses responded, 79 wear regular clothes, 30 wear scrubs, 5 wear a lab coat 
              Years of service did not show a preference of one over the other
              # of Nurses county Regular Clothes Scrubs Lab Coat over Reg. Clothes Years as a SN of those that wear Scrubs 
              11 Belknap 10 1 0 9
              2 Carroll 2 0 0  
              12 Cheshire 6 4 2 3 to 19
              3 Coos 3 0 0  
              10 Grafton 7 3 0 3 to 17
              33 Hillsborough 19 12 2 3 to 30
              14 Merrimack 13 1 0 22
              20 Rockinham 12 8 0 1 to 20
              5 Strafford 4 0 1  
              4 Sullivan 3 1 0 5

              Anaphylaxis Survey

              91 nurses responded representing 37,020 students

              974 students were prescribed EpiPens 

              Of those students,  815 had food allergies, 169 had stinging insects allergy, 22 had a history of anaphylaxis with no identified allergy

              3 had an allergy to latex, 2 had cold induced urticaria, 1 had heat induced urticaria and one had a mast cell disorder mastocytosis

              54 nurses have administered Epi to a student with a known allergy

              19 nurses have administered Stock epinephrine to a student/staff

              87 Schools have stock epinephrine, 4 schools do not

              Of the  87 schools that have stock epinephrine 82 get their stock from EpiPens4Schools program


              1.     Shortly after one of my students transferred to a private school, she experienced an anaphylactic reaction to nuts and was given    epi x 2 and transferred via ambulance. Her mom called me to thank me for all we had done.

              2.    I believe it i s a must to have epi stock as their are many allergen children in the building without diagnosis , and I have had an adult have a system reaction undiagnosed as well, to have the emergency med avaialble can save lives.

              3.    Stock epi used for first time bee-sting reaction. She now has her own epi.

              4.   I will use stock epi to send on field trips when a student did not have their own

              5.    I stock Epi-Pens because most students in my school don't carry their own despite attempts to get their parents to provide the Epi Pen. When I used an Epi Pen on a student with a known peanut allergy who didn't have his Epi Pen the school did not get reimbursed nor did the parent replace my stock Epi Pen. If a parent refuses to cooperate what are school nurses to do?

              6.    I have a handful of students who should have an epipen but still waiting for parents to take them to MD to get orders

              7.    Another faculty had to use a stock Epipen on a student for 1st reaction on camping trip.

              8.    ConvenientMD care provides our school with emergency epipens for those with unknown emergency reactions. I'm grateful for this program and hope it continues.

              9.       Would like information about EpiPens for schools program.

              10.     Is there a way to repeat the original 2 weeks of questions now that you have a better sample size of schools participating? The results are so interesting, and could be very helpful in preventing our district from reducing the nursing staff. Thank you!

              Nurses County students Epipens prescribed Food Stinging Insects unknown allergen other allergen Epi given to known allergy How many have stock Use Epi4schools How many times have you used stock?
              8 Belknap 3157 75 56 18 0 1 6 7 6 3
              2 Carroll 382 12 11 1 0 0 2 0 2 0
              8 Cheshire 2918 57 33 25 1 0 1 11 10 1
              2 Coos 227 6 4 2 0 0 0 1 1 0
              11 Grafton 3472 112 98 21 3 0 8 10 10 7
              1 Hillsborough 10793 262 229 38 10 2 25 18 14 3
              10 Merrimack 5330 133 111 21 3 0 8 17 17 1
              18 Rockingham 6630 241 211 26 3 1 4 14 13 2
              17 Strafford 2574 38 34 7 0 0 0 4 4 2
              15 Sullivan 1537 38 28 10 2 3 0 5 5 0


              Diabetics: 106 Schools Responded

              44439 students 
              168 Type 1 Diabetics
              96 managed with pumps
              72 managed with shots

              330 nurse visits for 168 diabetics Averaging two visits per diabetic

              # of schools reporting County Student Population # of Type 1 Diabetic # that use a pump # mangaged with shots 
              6 Belknap 2714 8 4 4
                elementary   2    
                middle   0    
                High   6    
              3 Carroll 618 2 0 2
                all elementary        
              14 Cheshire 2308 11 6 5
                elementary   8    
                middle   3    
                High   0    
              1 Coos 225 0 0 0
              7 Grafton 2508 14 10 4
                elementary   0    
                middle   9    
                High   5    
              21 Hillsborough 12064 46 29 17
              14 Merrimack 6439 20 9 11
                 elementary   3    
                 middle   6    
                 high   11    
              24 Rockingham 12676 50 27 23
                elementary   18    
                middle   9    
                High   23    
              11 Strafford 3945 13 8 5
                elementary   3    
                middle   2    
                High   8    
              5 Sullivan 942 4 3 1
                elementary   2    
                middle   0    
                High   2    
              106 TOTALS 44439 168 96 72

              Parent / Student Contacts

              How many student contacts did you have?

              How many parent contacts did you have?

              THE RESULTS:

              # of schools reporting county Student Population Parent Contacts Student Contacts
              4 Belknap 1626 43 136
              1 Carroll 244 2 25
              9 Cheshire 2293 91 274
              2 Coos 636 15 74
              7 Grafton 2288 64 198
              15 Hillsborough 6943 184 617
              11 Merrimack 3693 131 382
              22 Rockingham 12561 347 989
              4 Strafford 1079 26 114
              3 Sullivan 893 17 111
              78   32256 920 2920

              9% of the school population had contact with a school nurse

              31% of those student contacts required contact with a parent

              Illness Exclusion Policy 12-24-2017

              Illness Exclusion Survey Results
              61 Schools Responded
              33 schools
              have a policy
              28 Schools
              have no policy
              Total out of
              61 schools
              When to send home for fever:
              > 100.0 F and don't feel well 27 24 51
              > 100.4 F and don't feel well 5 3 8
              > 101.0F and don't feel well 1 1 2
              Return to school after a fever
              in 24 hours without advil or tylenol 33 26 59
              less than 24 hours 0 2 2
              Return to school after vomiting
              Case by case 4 3 7
              No vomiting in last 12 hours 3 2 5
              No vomiting in last 24 hours 26 23 49

              SAU 3 Policy

              Dover School Board Policy


              Hampton School District

              SAU 74 Policy

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