Barbara C. French School Health Advocacy AwardAward Criteria
Born on July 1, 1926, French earned her first degree from “the University of New Hampshire; B.S.N. from Cornell University, New York Hospital School of Nursing and M.Ed. from Mount Saint Mary College. Her professional experience includes working as a school nurse in Concord; clinical nurse at Cornell University – New York Hospital; head nurse instructor at New Hampshire State Hospital; child welfare social worker at the State of New Hampshire Department of Welfare and drug education consultant at the New Hampshire Department of Education.” 19 Oct 2018 |
November 2019: We had two award selections this year by NHSNA. The Barbara C. French award recipients were Polly Campion- D, and Linda Tanner-D, House of Representatives, who wrote the legislation and supported the new law for the permanent position of the School Nurse Coordinator in the DOE