1. Payment may be made by credit card through our online processor AffiniPay. You do not need an AffiniPay account to pay by credit card.
2. You may mail a check in if you prefer not to pay online. To do this: Fill out the online application. At the end of the registration click on "INVOICE ME". An invoice will be sent to your email. You may print and mail it in. The address to mail it to is on the invoice.
Open letter to all NH School Nurses
As a professional community, we have so much to be proud of! Unlike other nursing positions we may have held in the past, our role as the school nurse is unique in that we are independent in our practice. Many of us are in small schools working alone in our offices and sometimes alone in our districts. The school nurse needs to be efficient with his/her time, make important judgment calls on the spot, be skilled in every discipline of nursing, be able to meet the needs of our students, families and staff, and know when to ask for help when we need it.
Please consider joining the New Hampshire School Nurse Association. Only MEMBERS have access to our Members Only web page (which will appear in your menu after your membership is paid). This web page is made by School Nurses for School Nurses. A wealth of care plans, forms and research.
QUESTIONS? CONTACT US AT nhschoolnurses@gmail.com
The New Hampshire School Nurses' Association functions because of the dedication of school nurses who volunteer to serve on committees. We hope you will consider joining one of our committees. As NHSNA Board and Committee members, we have the opportunity to define practice and serve as leaders for nurses in every school across our state.
Our organization:
Please email us at nhschoolnurses@gmail.com if you may have an interest in joining one of our committees or board.