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Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances: A Silent Epidemic

  • 03 Nov 2021
  • 4:35 PM - 5:30 PM
  • ZOOM


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Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances:
A Silent Epidemic

November 3, 2021 Via Zoom
One Contact Hour

*** Immediately following the DHHS call at 4:35

The THF was founded in 2004 in memory of Taylor Hooton, who passed away at age 17 after making the uneducated decision to begin using Anabolic Steroids. We are the nation’s leader on delivering research based education programs on use of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances –dietary supplements, hGH and anabolic steroids. In addition, over 2 million students now admit to using Anabolic Steroids-1 in every 16 students in America!  Our session will provide a pragmatic view of these drugs –

  • What are they? 
  • Who is using? 
  • What are the social issues and pressures driving their usage? 
  • What are the dangers? 
As a school nurse, being trained on these topics can not only help address any potential issues in this area, but help facilitate a crucial conversation to our younger generations about how to properly achieve their goals while living and competing the right way!

Dietary Supplements sales have surpassed the staggering $40 billion mark. Multiple industry studies reveal that as many as 25% of dietary supplements are spiked or contaminated with banned substances. With over 12 million students using these products, our program will discuss how we can help our students navigate this industry. What are Dietary Supplements? Do I need them? What products are high risk? By having this conversation together we can help others become smarter with their supplement use. 


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