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School Nurse Essentials 2021: DCYF & Partners in Health

  • 05 Oct 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • ZOOM


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School Nurse Essentials
Tuesday Series  

Separate Registration f
or each
$15 / Contact hour - MEMBERS,   
$25/ Contact Hour - NON-MEMBERS

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021
DCYF and Partners in Health
2 Contact Hours

4:00 - DCYF Mandated Reporting

Jennifer Ross, MSW
Child Protection Field Administrator
Division for Children, Youth and Families

The Division for Children, Youth and Families manages protective programs on behalf of New Hampshire's children and youth and their families.  As mandated reporters, school nurses should understand when and how to make a report, and what happens with that report. 

DCYF staff provide a wide range of family-centered services with the goal of meeting the needs of parents and their children and strengthening the family system. Services are designed to support families and children in their own homes and communities whenever possible. 

5:00  Partners in Health

Myla Marie Danforth
Family Support Coordinator

Janice Boudreau
Health Services Coordinator

Partners in Health is one of the programs available through Special Medical Services for children and youth with special health care needs and their families

The New Hampshire Partners in Health Program helps families of children with a chronic health condition that significantly impacts daily life. Partners in Health's role is to advocate, access resources, navigate systems and build capacity to manage the chronic health condition of their child.

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