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Looking Ahead: Celebrating the 2020 Year of the Nurse

  • 04 Apr 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM
  • Waterville Valley Conference Center 1 Ski Area Road, Waterville Valley, NH 03215


  • NHSNA Members receive discounts on all our conferences.
  • Consider becoming a member to receive discounts to conferences,

Saturday, April 4th, 2020     6.0 contact hours
Breakfast and Lunch Included
Many vendors will be on-site
Raffles, School Nurse of the Year



Breakfast Provided

Pre-Conference Registration,
Breakfast and Vendors

8:30 – 8:45


Kathy Barth BSN, RN   President, NHSNA

8:45 – 10:15


Dr. Steve Sobel

You're A Piece of Work! Celebrate Joy,Passion and Humor
Author of the best seller, “The Good Times Handbook -
Your Guide to Positive Living and Exciting Life”, 
Dr. Sobel appears 
regularly on television and radio 
throughout the United States and Canada.

10:15 -11:15


Visit the Vendors, Earn 1 contact hour for 
networking with the vendors.

11:15 -12:15


  • NH DOE School Nurse Coordinator 
  • ConvenientMD Partnership Program
  • School Nurse Resource Manual 
  • Lending library and ECSI CPR
  • NASN Every Student Counts

12:15 -- 1:00

Lunch & Vendors

Last chance to visit the vendors.

1:00 -- 2:15

New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children

(NH ICAC) Task Force

Established in 1998 NH ICAC is responsible for investigating
cases of child sexual 
exploitation involving the use of high
technology throughout the state of New Hampshire. Such crimes include child prostitution, online solicitation of minors, and the possession, manufacturing and distribution of child sexual abuse images.

2:15 -- 3:15

Cultural Competency

Dr A Frederick Hartman

 Fred Hartman, MD, MPH, is a family and infectious disease
practitioner and 
epidemiologist with over 40 years
experience as a health care provider,
technical advisor, senior project manager, epidemiologist,
and professor . Currently, he works as a family practitioner
at Down East Community Hospital, providing general
health and infectious disease services to patients in need. 
Dr. Hartman will share his knowledge of working with
immigrant populations.

3:15 – 3:45

NHSNA Annual Meeting

  • School Nurse of the Year Award 
  • Retiree Celebration
  • NHSNA Elections
  • Business Membership Meeting

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