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School Nurse Essentials Conference AGENDA

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This 3 day course agenda was created by the NH School Nurse Association Education Committee

Wednesday, August 16

7:30 AM

Breakfast and Registration

8:00 AM

Laurie Fleming, President, NH School Nurses' Association

Introduction and Housekeeping

8:15 AM

Welcome to School Nursing and School Nurse Advocacy
Janice Selekman, DNSc, RN, NCSN, FNASN
Professor Emerita, University of Delaware

This presentation will welcome new school nurses into the specialty of school nursing. It will use the NASN Framework to discuss topics relevant to the specialty, such as advocacy for the child and family, interdisciplinary communication and communication within the school community, working within an educational setting, and being the only healthcare provider on school teams. It will also address the nurse's role in facilitating conflict resolution.


10:00 AM


10:15 AM

Nursing Delegation in the School Setting
Linda Compton, MS, RN, School Nurse
New Hampshire School Nurse Association

This session will review the Standards of Delegation for School Nurses in NH. There will be an interactive component with conference participants applying delegation in the school setting.

Standards of Delegation for School Nurses in New Hampshire

11:15 AM

Vision Screening: Tips for Tools and Reducing the Gap Between Referrals and Eye Exams
P. Kay Nottingham, Chaplin, EdD
Education and Outreach Coordinator, National Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness

This session will describe tips for using tools in the NHSNA vision screening recommendations, suggest an additional tool you may want to add for preschoolers, and offer tips for reducing the gap between vision screening referrals and follow-up eye exams.

K Nottingham Q&A

12:30 PM


1:15 PM

NH School Immunizations - 2023-2024
Xan Gallup, RN, RRT
Public Health Nurse Specialist, NH Immunization Program

The School Nurses handbook for understanding NH Public Health law as it pertains to Immunizations, the required Annual School reporting, and the current state of immunization rates of students in NH.

XGallup - Q&A
Resource Page

2:30 PM

Hearing Screening and Hearing Loss
Dr. Beth Ann Jacques, AuD, CCC-A, F-AAA
Audiologist, New England Audiology

This presentation will cover the basics of hearing loss and hearing screening in the school setting.


3:30 PM


Thursday, August 17

8:00 AM

Breakfast and Registration

8:30 AM

Laurie Fleming, President, NH School Nurses' Association

Introduction and Housekeeping

8:45 AM

Navigating Legal Issues in the School Environment
Lauren Snow Chadwick, Staff Attorney, NEA NH

An overview of common legal issues that arise as a nurse in a school environment, and understanding best practices on how to navigate this role.


10:00 AM


10:15 AM

Child Advocacy and Protection Program

Anna Marsh, APRN, CPNP-PC
CAPP Provider - Lebanon, CAPP - Dartmouth Health Children's

Jessica B. Heiple
Constituent Relations Specialist, Division for Children, Youth & Families

Abby Hancock, MSN, RN
Nurse Educator, Division for Children, Youth & Families

Brooke Garrow, BSN, RN, SANE
Clinical Nurse, CAPP - Dartmouth Health Children's

An introduction to the CAPP program at Dartmouth Health Children's and how to report suspected child abuse and neglect.

Presentation slides
CAPP Intake Referral Form 
DCYF Foster Care Health Program - Nurse Consultant Contact Information

11:15 AM

IDEA/Section 504
Nancy A. Wells, MS, RN, NCSN|
Liaison, New Hampshire School Nurses Association

This session will introduce the school nurse's role with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, two federal laws supporting children with disabilities in an educational setting.


12:45 PM


1:30 PM

Emergency Planning and Crisis Planning
Bill Wood
Coordinator, NH Statewide AED Program
Preparedness & Special Projects, NH Bureau of EMS
Division of Fire Standards and 
Training & EMS - Department of Safety

Steven Cooper
School Liaison, School Readiness Program
NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Scott Lambertson
School Liaison, School Readiness Program
NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management

IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100

School nurses play important roles in emergency readiness. Every school must provide and all-hazards emergency operations plan, emergency response procedures, and training opportunities for staff. This session emphasizes the importance of maintaining good safety and security practices in schools.

3:30 PM


Friday, August 18

8:00 AM

Breakfast and Registration

8:30 AM

Laurie Fleming, President, NH School Nurses' Association

Introduction and Housekeeping

8:45 AM

On the Front Lines: School Nurses Key Role in Helping Anxious Students
Lynn Lyons, LICSW

Anxiety’s negative impact on learning, school attendance, and the subsequent development of depression and substance use is well-documented. Following the pandemic, schools are being asked to do more and more to support the emotional well-being and mental health needs of their students, while often feeling ill-equipped to do so.

When it comes to dealing with anxiety, school nurses are on the front lines. Anxious students often arrive in their offices, either chronically seeking to avoid or in a state of panic. Consequently, there is great potential for constructive interactions as part of an overall strategic plan. Unfortunately, accommodations are frequently put in place that make the problem worse. This training will focus on HOW to interrupt anxiety’s cognitive and physical patterns. I will present concrete, process-based strategies that challenge anxiety’s quest for certainty and comfort, and shift from common approaches that inadvertently support the disorder to those of building skills.

Heavy Hands: Relaxation PLUS

10:00 AM


10:15 AM

On the Front Lines: School Nurses Key Role in Helping Anxious Students (continued)
Lynn Lyons, LICSW

11:45 AM


12:30 PM

Student Inclusivity for Gender Expansive Youth
Jessica Goff, MSW
Community Outreach & Education Coordinator, Seacoast Outright

Appropriate terminology, allyship techniques, mental health impacts of inclusion, and opportunity for Q&A

PFLAG National Glossary of Terms

1:30 PM


1:45 PM

Documentation and Data: Essentials for Every School Nurse
Erin Maughan, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FAAN
Center for School Health Innovation & Quality, and George Mason University

School nurses keep students in school so they can learn. Yet teachers, parents, and decision-makers often do not understand the important role of the school nurse. This presentation will discuss how school nurses can use their documentation and data in practical ways to inform their own practice, as well as create change. Innovative and successful examples from fellow school nurses in will be New Hampshire highlighted and tips will be shared so that every school nurse can incorporate see how important documentation is in their practice.

3:30 PM

Wrap up

3:45 PM


This live activity has been approved for nursing continuing professional development contact hours by JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Provider #4002966

JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. 

Day One | August 16, 2023 has been approved for a maximum of 6.25 contact hours
Day Two | August 17, 2023 has been approved for a maximum of 5.75 contact hours
Day Three | August 18, 2023 has been approved for a maximum of 5.5 contact hours

Participants must attend at least 90% of the program day for which credit is being claimed and submit a program evaluation for that day in order to receive their certificate. 

This project is supported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award through the CDC Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement: COVID-19 Public Health Workforce Supplemental Funding. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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