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NHSNA Board Meeting

  • 31 Mar 2022
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • ZOOM


  • This is a members only event

Registration is closed

All members are welcome to attend NHSNA monthly board meetings.  If you have an item that you want to put on the agenda, please indicate so in your registration form.


Approve January Minutes (February was cancelled)

Treasurer's Report: Pam Murphy  Treasurer Transition

Presidents Report:  Annual Meeting May 13th

Membership Report    DUES Comparison with other states



Continuing Ed:  Liaison Report on Essentials 2022

NESCN Report:  Linda Compton and Pam Murphy

NASN Report:  Linda Compton

Scholarships:  3 Applied, $2000 in Budget

School Nurse of the Year:  6 Nominations
Edies scheduled for  June 4, 2022 at the DoubleTree Hilton, Manchester.

Liaison Survey Report:  Nancy Wells, Martha Judson


  1. The NH Council for Youths with Chronic Conditions
  2. Grant from Medical Society / School Nurse Training Modules Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Toolkit

  3. NH Gives - Should we register?

  4. SAVE the DATES

  5. April 30th, May 1st   NESCN
    May 13th:  Annual Membership Dinner Meeting at the Puritan Manchester
    August 17th:  Addressing Mental Health Student Needs:  School Team Approach
    August 18th and 19th  School Nurse Essentials at the Audubon, Concord

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