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The Three R's - Renew, Refresh, Relax

  • 07 Apr 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Margate Resort 76 Lake St. Laconia, NH 03246


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Saturday April 7, 2018
MARGATE Lakefront Resort
76 Lake St. Laconia, NH  03246 
Breakfast and Lunch Provided
5.25 Contact Hours

8:30 – 9:00      Registration, Breakfast and Exhibitors
9:00 – 9:15       Welcome and Announcements

9:15 – 10:30      “Compassion Fatigue and Resilience: To Languish or to Flourish?”
     Chief Deborah Pendergast, BA, EFO, AEMT
                              Director, NH Fire Standards and Training
How does trauma exposure and  affect us both long and short term.? How do we keep ourselves from becoming “hardened” and maintain our compassion and empathy toward our patients and clients?  Why is it important to develop resilience to help us preserve our behavioral and physical health?

10:30 – 11:00    Break/Exhibitors   

11:00 – 12:00    NH Department of Health and Human Services Hour (dhhs)

1. Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program    Gail Gettens, MS
            Legislative Updates  Senate Bill 247
2.  Asthma Control:    Healthy Homes and Environments                                            Anna Carrigan, MSW

 3.  New Hampshire Poison Control:    Laurie Warnock, MPH
Update on the latest illicit street drugs 

 4.  Office of Student Wellness   NHDOE    Kelly Untiet

12:00 – 1:00      Healthy Lunch, Exhibitors

1:00 – 1:15       School Nurse of the Year Presentation

1:15 – 2:3      Sprains, Strains, Bumps, & Bruises -
                         Assessing Common Childhood Injuries in the School Setting

       Adam P. Androlia, DO   Concord Orthopaedics       
Do you often wish you had X-Ray vision? School nurses are often faced with the challenge of identifying and treating orthopedic injuries. 

2:30 – 3:00       Break/Exhibitors   Snacks and Drinks Available

3:00 – 4:15       Pharyngitis: Viral or Streptococcal?
                         Brittany Houghton PA-C   ConvenientMD Urgent Care
 In school-aged children with sore throats only two to three out of ten will actually have a streptococcal infection.  Complaints of sore throat send many children to your health office.  As Medical Director of Urgent Care, Dr. Margolis will share her expertise on assessing the sore throat.

4:15 – 5:00       Evaluations, Raffles
      NHSNA Annual Meeting,
Election of Officers
NHSNA Board of Director Question and Answers


The Margate has reserved a block of rooms for this conference at only $119 per night for either Friday or Saturday.   Two double beds, double occupancy.

Call 603-524-5210    Please mention when you call that you are attending the NHSNA conference.

We are currently making plans for some after conference fun.  The Margate has a large heated indoor pool and oversized whirlpool.  A 400 foot private sandy beach on Lake Winnipesaukee perfect for sunset viewing.

5:30 – 7:00       Pool time for those of you staying overnight. 

7:00:   Sunset is at 7:18.  Join us around a campfire on the shore of lake Winnipesaukee to enjoy it. 

7:30                  Network with your School Nurse peers at a local restaurant.  Location to be determined.  Separate checks (not included in conference payment)                   

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