NHSNA Updates:  August 2020

NEWSLETTER  August 2020

Dear {Contact_First_Name},

In times of uncertainty, NHSNA understands that clear communication and easy access to facts and recommendations is key to successful school infection control planning.

As school nurses you have always been involved with the on-going monitoring of student health and wellness in your school and now have an increased role as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

NHSNA members are here to advocate for you in that role.  We want you to feel empowered to speak to the issues at hand in your school communities.  

NHSNA members have taken several steps to support you in your practice, and will continue to do so over the coming months.  If you use and appreciate our help, we in turn would appreciate your membership.  Together, our collective voices are heard. 

The month of July was a very busy one.. To Recap:

  • NHSNA Back to School Task Force has done a deep dive of the state issued reopening guidelines.  They met many times, sometimes late into the night.  They have produced a paper titled  Best Practices for the Mitigation of Community Transmission in the School Setting  This document is intended to be a resource guide for you.  It is in the hands of Dr. Chan and his team for review.

Our work in July has also included:

  • New Stakeholders Connections
  • Legislative outreach 
    • Kathy Barth did some advocacy for the School Nurse Coordinator position, and sent a letter to the governors office, Executive Council and Commissioner Edulblut.  LETTER
    • (be sure to read the Concord Monitor article below)  Paula MacKinnon and Nancy Wells were invited to attend. By listening to the recording, you will see that the lack of a School Health Consultant was first on the Senator's list of questions to Commissioner Edulblut.  
  • Continuing Education:  https://nhsna.wildapricot.org/events/
    • 06 Aug - NH School Health and Wellness Town Hall with NHSNA and NH AAP   (120 school nurses, and 20 school medical directors, pediatricians and nurse practiioners have registered so far.)  Don't miss this collaboration between YOUR health office and Primary Care Providers.  More info below

    • 06 Aug - Frontline Education Screening Tool (42 registered so far. 

    • 04 Aug - Complex Care Network (40 attendees so far)

    • 30 Jul -  Demonstration of School Covid Screening Tool by ConvenientMD  (209 attendees)

    • 23 Jun - Pediatric Manifestation of Covid (104 attendees)

In closing, there is much to do and accomplish in the coming months.  The board will be holding a planning session on August 12th.  If you are a member and  would like to listen in, please register on our events page.  If you have an agenda item you would like discussed, please register AND email me the agenda item at nhschoolnurses@gmail.com

Best Regards

Paula MacKinnon, President
New Hampshire School Nurses Association

What are your professional needs as schools reopen?  That question and more will be asked of school nurses, school medical directors and Pediatric/Family Practice clinicians.  Sponsored by the NH American Academy of Pediatrics and the NH School Nurses Association.


Our Turn: Confusion, unfunded costs as state’s schools prepare to reopen

By Senators Jay Kahn and Mel 

For the Monitor

Published: 8/1/2020 7:00:14 AM

** Jay Kahn of Keene is chairman of the N.H. Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee. Mel Myler of Contoocook is chairman of the N.H. House Education Committee

Recently, the House and Senate Education committees asked 24 education leaders, school board members, employee representatives, special educators, school nurses, and athletic association and transportation representatives about school reopening guidance.

Nearly all presentations coalesced around two points. They said the guidance to date – under the banner of flexibility – leads to inconsistencies among districts and confusion for everyone and they said reopening of schools has unanticipated funding needs that when unmet will lead to greater inequities among districts.

READ FULL LETTER TO THE EDITOR (from the legislature)

Meeting recording on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX1i28EoRdw

The school nurse presentation was at about 2 hours and 56 minutes into the broadcast. 


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